Sunday, November 2, 2008

Continued the lesson...

Nov 3rd, 08
This week, I learn many types of websites, such as Portal, News, Informational, Business/Marketing, Education, Entertainment, Advocacy, Blog,Wiki, Online Social Network, Content Aggregator and Personal. And types of pictures that allow to the websites, which are Bmp,GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF. In the other hands, amination is appearance og motion created by displaying a series of still images in sequence. People can communicate in groups by chat room in Yahoo! or Window Live Messengers, e-mail and Instant messenging,...!That's it...!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Update

last week we started to do our project about our own websites, it seemed hard but however, we have to try. We made them by Microsoft Frontpage, there are lot of funs and pretty theme. And to be continued...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Lesson

This week I learned about Internet and Web. We discuss about what's Internet and how to acess it! Also some types of cable to connect the internet. And its development in time,
World Wide Web Consortium , Websites are texts, pictures, links or videos to connect to the related websites. We can use Firefox and Internet Browser that allow you to view the web pages. And the first page of the websites is the Home page, it shows us the links to view the related websites. We also can access the internet by mobile phone. So that's all! The whole things I've learned. Have a nice week babe~!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New school year!!!

I'm Zizy and i'm in grade 9C!hehehe. Okey~! New school year started in about 2 month now!!! Everything seem opposite with my imagination...
Totally different with last year and especsially with my hope. But however, I will mix it up...
Now this blog is just for study so no need to say so much...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kungfu AIS

Kungfu AIS

In 2010, AIS is the most powerful school in HCM City. And also, their basketball team is the best team ever; two masters are Mike and Peter. Mr. Buisan is the leader in the team; Kungfu team. One day, Mr. Buisan comes to a park and he sees a teenager boy is throwing cans to the bin with a long distance with an accurate long extent, he throws consecutive the cans makes Mr. Buisan has to open wide his eyes. He comes and asks him about information. He is Jackson Chou; he is 16 years old and in grade 11. He came from China but he moved to Ho Chi Minh City with some friends and relatives, they let him studies in a Kungfu School and leave him alone to live. But one day he banished from his old school because he destroyed all a big bar in district 1, so they came to his school and complained. Only himself fought with nearly 50 securities, so the result is he has a powerful feat of arms, his old school teaches about that. Unlucky for him the boss in that bar wants to buy his old school after Jackson leaves, the principal cannot refuse the bulky money from them. Some of teachers in his Kungfu school have to move and be out of a job, they just know how to martial arts. Now, Jackson has no house and school. Mr. Buisan decides to accept him gets in AIS for study but he has to join the basketball team and allow Mr. Buisan advertises him to public that he is a genius in basketball. He slowly becomes famous basketball player in AIS. Depend on Mr. Buisan that he can play with a power team like that. Peter and Mike hate him because he looks very confident about his throwing skill. Jackson has to practice a lot for the game, he just knows how to free throwing the ball to the basket, and he can jump very high. But he doesn’t have any experiences or basic posture in basketball. Miley is a girl that Jackson likes for a long time, she is also a member in Kungfu team but her responsibility is takes care about the players. She helps Jackson a lot in practicing, but Jackson doesn’t think about love at this moment, he has to reach his goal. And Miley likes Mike, a master in Kungfu AIS, but he doesn’t like her because his girlfriend was dead so he is still shock about that so he cannot accept Miley’s love even when she is really cute and kind. When Peter and Mike play, Jackson watches them very carefully, especially when they dribble the ball and throw it very skillfully. He tries to practice every night. Finally, the battle between AIS and IS begin, he is worried about the friend’s team. IS team is Killer, they are very cruel and mean in playing. And their master is Steve, who is brother with Peter, but they never talk to each other since the day Steve wanted to quit Kungfu AIS. He wants to have his own team, not together with Peter. Mr. Buisan banished Steve because his rude action to Peter. He left AIS with hatred in his heart. He found a supporter to him quickly and they are all evil and always want to win all the battles. His supporter is the man who bought Jackson’s Kungfu School, that’s why he hates Jackson more. They use feat of arms to play basketball and they push, pull, and trample down other team’s players when they fall. Steve trampled Peter’s arm once so that’s why Peter hated his younger brother like the sun hates the moon. Now, it’s the first game that Jackson plays for AIS, he seems very fine in his position, he consecutive throw the ball to the basket makes all the Killer’s members have to be squint eyed. Peter and Mike are so surprise about his improvement so far. Killer tries to destroy all Kungfu AIS but three important players don’t let them exterminate easily like that. They cooperate very well; they pass on the ball, score the goals with the boxing skill when Jackson still studied in Kungfu School, it makes the audience have to admire them. May be they don’t hate Jackson anymore, because he is not over confident again, he mixes with his partners easily in 2 weeks practice. But in the final game with IS at the middle of the game, suddenly cut off the electricity so they postpone the battle in three days later. AIS is successive win many games in a week. Now, Jackson is not weak anymore, everybody in HCM City knows about him a lot. He is on the wallpaper’s newspaper everyday with his two partners. But other wise, some Kungfu AIS’s member destroyed and have injuries, especially Peter and Mike broken their arms and legs by Steve trampled on them. Mr. Buisan calls to Jackson’s masters in his old school for helping. They come and heal their injuries for Peter and Mike. Also, they accept the invitation to play for AIS in the final game with Jackson, Peter and Mike. The game is continuing after three days, Steve is astonished a lot; he does not focus to the game anymore because Jackson’s masters use their art of fighting to play with them. The battle looks extremely exciting, the entire Killer’s member have to pray for the masters. They have to give up now; Steve is still looks very hateful. Finally, Kungfu AIS won all the games with the highest score in nearly thirteen schools in Ho Chi Minh City. After the battle, Jackson invites Miley to have dinner with him and decides to tell Miley that he loves her, Miley is so touched about that but how can Miley refuse that fact, she accepts and they have happy times together in Kungfu AIS. AIS becomes a biggest school with a strongest basketball team in HCM City, many boys and girls come to AIS for studying and playing basketball with 3 masters are joyful Jackson, handsome Peter and vigorous Mike.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My favorite country..!!^^

¤†:That picture is a mountain in Austria, the country I like the most. In that picture you can see four mountains behind the big lake and the hill with many trees. The lake is clean, blue and he wind is blowing lightly on the surface of the water. It looks so romantic and cool. The trees at the right way are hiding the shine of the sun so it makes the lake cooler. It is in winter but nearly the spring. I want to come there and travel around it, it is very beautiful because I saw it on TV and I nuts about it…!!!(>”<)

Forest in Japan

This is a forest in Japan, it has many trees but especially they are colorful and it’s in fall. You can see green, red, yellow, orange, brown leaves and different kinds of leaves. At the top you can see a mountain with some old trees and sandy lands. I like it because it’s so beautiful and it has clear oxygen for breathing