Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Update

last week we started to do our project about our own websites, it seemed hard but however, we have to try. We made them by Microsoft Frontpage, there are lot of funs and pretty theme. And to be continued...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Lesson

This week I learned about Internet and Web. We discuss about what's Internet and how to acess it! Also some types of cable to connect the internet. And its development in time,
World Wide Web Consortium , Websites are texts, pictures, links or videos to connect to the related websites. We can use Firefox and Internet Browser that allow you to view the web pages. And the first page of the websites is the Home page, it shows us the links to view the related websites. We also can access the internet by mobile phone. So that's all! The whole things I've learned. Have a nice week babe~!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New school year!!!

I'm Zizy and i'm in grade 9C!hehehe. Okey~! New school year started in about 2 month now!!! Everything seem opposite with my imagination...
Totally different with last year and especsially with my hope. But however, I will mix it up...
Now this blog is just for study so no need to say so much...